Saturday 6 December 2014

2 December

2 December, we learnt on classification of organism. I knew how create official names for new microorganisms and identify how to plan strategy and select methods for classification and identification of microorganisms. taxonomy can be divide into 3 part which is classification , identification and nomenclature.
1)nomenclature-assignment of names to taxonomic groups in agreement with published rules
2)classification- arrangement of organisms into groups or taxon based on mutual similarity relatedness
3)identification- process of discovering and recording the traits of organisms.
Nomenclature- genus name+ specific epithet  eg. Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens
                          -general rules in nomenclature
                         1) genus name always capitalized
                         2) species name is never capitalized
                         3) species name is never use without the genus name
                        4) genus name may be used without species name
                        5) genus and species are always italicized
                        6) first timeà spell out, thereafter àabbreviated
                        7)species name never abbreviated
                       8)less simple genus abbreviation if different genus start with same alphabet
Stain can be identify by a name or number or letter follows by species epithet.the inspiration of name is based on shape, where it found,nutrition it uses, who discovered it and what disease it causes

There are two ways of classification which is phonetic classification and phylogenetic classification. Differential staining is gram staining, acid-fast stain, negative staining for capsule, endospore staining and flagella staining. Serology is the science studies serum and immune responses that are evident in serum. The serological technique is enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and webstern blotting. Phage typing is to determine which phage a bacterium is susceptible to bacteriophages cause lysis of bacteria that they infect. DNA based composition is expressed as % of guanine plus cytosine. DNA fingerprinting is use of restriction enzyme to produce banding pattern. Nucleic acid hybridization is when dsDNA is heated , complementary strands will separate as the H bonds between bases break and if ssDNA  are cooled, complementary strands will reunite. The southern blotting is when DNA probes are used in the hydridization process. Lastly, I knew the methods use to classify and identify microorganism after various analyses which are dichoto,ous keys and cladograms.

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