Sunday 26 April 2015

microbial systematic-bacteria

Today story… we divide into group to do a mind map on topic introduction to microbial systematic . our group doing on the outline of that topic . so for the outline we divide the work based on class which is archaea ,becteria ,virus ,fungi, protozoa and algae . we started with the group presentation on bacteria .  we need to know the differences between these group . next day , we learn on bacteria . we always culture the bacteria in the lab and all bacteria that we use lab is the bacteria that we can study. Archaea can change shape based on environment condition same goes to gram positive bacteria that doesn’t have cell wall and can change shape. The traits used to classify the bacteria is cell type , morphology, metabolism, reproduction, phage typing, nucleic acid profile and antibiotic resistance profile . we discuss on differences between the endospore and free spore . endospore form by the bacteria  while free spore are outside the cell . reproductive traits influence either light or oxygen. The bacteria E.coli , Salmonella , shigella can be observe difeerently because E.coli shown green sheen colour. Phatogen nonphototropic bacteria such as campylobacter and helicobacter,spirochetes and chlamydias . and nonphatogen is like pseudomonas,azobacter and rhizobium.  For phototrophic  we have oxygenic and nonoxygenic. 

Sunday 19 April 2015

topic 2 introduction to immunology

What means by immunology actually ? I concluded that immunology focuses on the human body's built-in defense system. In a healthy person, the immune system helps the body fight infection by rejecting foreign viruses and bacteria. The key primary lymphoid organs of the immune system are thymus and bone marrow, and secondary lymphatic tissues such as spleen, tonsils, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, adenoids, and skin. There are 3 lines of body defense system :
a)external physical barrier –skin,mucos membrane,normal microbiota
b)internal barrier-phagocytic cell, inflammation and fever
c)specific immune response-humoral response and humoral immune
therefore, we can differentiate between the non-specific annd specific immune response. their characteristic shown the differences between the non specific and non specific immune response which is non-specific immune response is natural immune system , without memory and non specific. While specific immune response is specificity,inducibility,memory,distinguish self and non-self. There are two type of non-specific immune response :
Internal innate immunity-2 line defense-physiological barrier,phagocytosis,inflammation
External innate immunity-1 line defense-skin, mucos membrane and normal microbiota
we need to know that an antigen need to have this features:
-high molecular weight
this is differences between the antigen and antibody

Humoral (Antibody-Mediated) Immunity
-Found in body fluids.
-Antibodies are made by plasma cells (activated B lymphocytes) in response to specific antigen.
Cell-Mediated Immunity
-T cells have antigen receptors but don’t make antibodies – lyse target cells directly.

-Cell-mediated reactions primarily respond against intracellular viruses, multicellular parasites, transplanted tissue and cancer cells.
after the lecture we all conclude all the mechanism of different types of immunity in this whiteboard
this mind map is very helpful in order to understand in systematic ways in immunology .After learn on this topic i know that Immune system keep us safe from infection and diseases. It helps us keep ourselves healthy.  Any disease that causing bacteria that enters our body is prevented from causing any damage to the body as the immune system deals with it. We know that every single breath that we inhale, every drop of water we drink or the every bite of food we eat, all contains germs and we are vulnerable to attack by germs. 

Saturday 18 April 2015

semester 2 Microbiologyll topic 1

For the second semester we already cover on topic microbial taxonomy and introduction to immunology . for topic microbial taxonomy we learn:

1)name microorganisms according to international rules and regulation
2)illustrate the methods to classify, identify and name the microorganism

Phenetic-Numerical taxonomy ,Dendogram
Phylogenetic-16S rRNA, Phylogenetic tree
Genotypic-other molecular methods

Phenetic classification is based on the mutual similarity of phenotypic characterstics. The are two methods in this classification which is simple matching coefficient and Jaccard coefficient.
Phylogenetic is compare organism on the basis of evolutionary. From this classification I will know how to determine phylogenetic classification.
For genotypic , I know that if we come from same species that related we have strong similarity.


· Morphological (staining, external structure, cell inclusion, cell grouping)
· Physiological and metabolic
· Biochemical
· Ecological
· Immunologic test
· Phage typing
· Antibiotic profiling

· Amino acid sequencing
· Nucleic acid base composition (%GC by HPLC and Tm)
· Nucleic acid hybridization
· Nucleic acid sequencing
· Genomic fingerprint (MLSA, RFLP, ribotyping)
· Nucleic acid probe
· Plasmid fingerprinting

In nucleic acid base composition %GC , I know the steps to get the GC content by spectrophotometrically. I think this technique not very accurate because of same GC content but the arrangement differ are not relate . Nucleic acid hybridization also we need to remember the steps involve. This technique is strictly control to avoid self hybridize.

In bacteriophage typing , we need to remember the procedure to produce the plaque on agar plate. Antibiotic susceptibility test is use to determine the pattern of resistance and susceptibility to antibiotics by determination of MIC and MLC. By using this method , we can see the contract between the clear zone that show it susceptible to antibiotics where the bacteria cannot grow and resistance the bacterial growth.

From this lesson I know that it is not easy to give the bacterial names which we need to follow the rules and techniques in giving the name of bacterial. So I really appreciate and impress with the people that found every new bacterial for further studies. And there is a lot of technique and method for classification and identification of bacterial that we need to well planned the test to get the good identification .