Sunday 26 April 2015

microbial systematic-bacteria

Today story… we divide into group to do a mind map on topic introduction to microbial systematic . our group doing on the outline of that topic . so for the outline we divide the work based on class which is archaea ,becteria ,virus ,fungi, protozoa and algae . we started with the group presentation on bacteria .  we need to know the differences between these group . next day , we learn on bacteria . we always culture the bacteria in the lab and all bacteria that we use lab is the bacteria that we can study. Archaea can change shape based on environment condition same goes to gram positive bacteria that doesn’t have cell wall and can change shape. The traits used to classify the bacteria is cell type , morphology, metabolism, reproduction, phage typing, nucleic acid profile and antibiotic resistance profile . we discuss on differences between the endospore and free spore . endospore form by the bacteria  while free spore are outside the cell . reproductive traits influence either light or oxygen. The bacteria E.coli , Salmonella , shigella can be observe difeerently because E.coli shown green sheen colour. Phatogen nonphototropic bacteria such as campylobacter and helicobacter,spirochetes and chlamydias . and nonphatogen is like pseudomonas,azobacter and rhizobium.  For phototrophic  we have oxygenic and nonoxygenic. 

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